My stay in Sweden was overall a wonderful experience, it showed me many new things. Above all, I loved how things were well planned and organized. It was amazing to see how they would plan their schedules weeks and months ahead. I feel this was a very important learning experience for me as we, Bhutanese lack this. I have now improved with scheduling my plans after being there for almost 6 months. I also found the public transportation in Sweden very convenient as it was available any time and we could buy tickets online using the app.
As my stay in Sweden was mostly in Uppsala. I found that Uppsala was a beautiful place where there were many University students. I personally did not face much trouble as the locals were very kind enough to always lend a help. The University was huge and scattered all around Uppsala. Learning in Uppsala was exciting and fun because it was different from Bhutan.
I really enjoyed going out for fika with my friends as we got spent some leisure time. It was a good opportunity for us to explore each other’s culture. I also loved going out for bike rides as there were proper bike routes. It always felt very refreshing with the beautiful nature outside.
I really had a good time in Sweden and I wish I could visit it again!
Yoezer Dema
Erasmus+ Exchange – College of Science and Technology and University of Uppsala